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KS-V Elemental Analysis Services Order Custom Peptides

Description: The CHNS content is determined using the Pregl-Dumas method where your sample is prepared, introduced into the combustion chamber and burned at high temperature 925F under pure oxygen. The resulting gas mixture and helium carrier gas pass through various reductive and catalytic zones to convert the gas mixture into CO2, H2O, N2, and SO2. The gasses are separated using gas chromatography and quantified with a thermal conductivity detector. Elemental analysis has

Antigenic Peptides

Detailed Indroduction In order to obtain the best effect of producing antibodies, it is necessary to carefully design the antigen polypeptide, and the design should meet a basic condition: in the process of immunization, the antigen will not produce an excessive immune response, and at the same time it can produce generate antibodies that bind to the protein of interest. It is generally recommended that the sequence length of the antigenic polypeptide be between 8-20 amino